Wednesday 9 April 2014

3 Months in...

We're now 3 months in and lots has happened. Towards the end of March Josh's skin really improved a lot, it was looking great, although he was still very itchy. Here are a few photos from then:-

Things were looking up until he started to get incredibly itchy around the last week of March into the beginning of April. He was waking up every 2 hours to scratch and he was home from school again. It was constant and we were really struggling. Nothing seemed to help him. Fanning his skin, cool packs, Dead Sea salt baths, nothing worked We stopped using oils on his skin (olive oil) and with all the stress we were just unable to keep up with the fermented foods and bone broth required by the gaps and we ran out of mineral water. Our diet has been mainly meat, vegetables, fruits and some occasional nuts. His skin has worsened during this time:-

His skin isn't as red as before and the oozing has reduced a lot.

Something happened a couple of days ago, though. He stopped patting (he usually pats, instead of scratches as he tries the limit the damage scratching can do). He slept through the night (yea, total miracle!) Daytime was uneventful. Last night he woke once for around 5-15 minutes to pat and then went back to sleep. Today has also been itch free. I'm not sure what's happened. Whether our prayers have been answered or whether it was something to do with the diet, the oils or just a lull in his healing. We are not sure yet. Even though his skin looks bad he's been content these past couple of days, perhaps the itch monster went away for Easter holidays??? Lets hope he doesn't come back!!